In an interesting study recently, University Of Virginia researchers analyzed divorce risks among more than 3,000 couples by asking them two simple questions.

The couples were asked these questions

How happy do you think you will be if you divorce your partner?How happy do you think your spouse will be if you divorce him or her?

The results were very interesting. Not surprisingly, the researchers found that spouses who said that they would be worse off than they currently are after divorce were much less likely to divorce over the next few years. Those couples who said that they would be much happier if they got divorced, had a much higher divorce rate.

However, when it came to the second question, the results were fascinating. Those persons who were way off the mark in analyzing or predicting their spouse’s happiness levels after the divorce seemed to have a much higher risk of divorce. For instance, spouses who believe that their spouses would be worse off after the divorce had a higher likelihood of divorce, compared to those spouses who much more accurately predicted how content their spouses were in the marriage.

It all boils down to communications, and many marriage experts believe that couples that fail to communicate are at a higher risk of divorce. In other words, if you can no longer even accurately gauge whether your spouse is happy in the marriage, you could should try couples counseling or consult a divorce lawyer.

Not all marriages are meant to work. If you need help with a divorce, speak to a San Jose divorce lawyer .

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